Fastlane's 2010 Chevy Camaro SS - The 2010 Camaro Champion
As I stood atop the media tower at Memphis Motorsports Park, I couldn't help but listen in on a group of bench racers standing nearby. As each car came under the tunnel, someone in the group would comment on how fast it would be or how much they liked it, you know, the normal trackside banter.
Just as the black Fastlane 2010 Camaro pulled past the water box I heard "You know, these new Camaros are too heavy to be fast. They take too much power to go anywhere; plus, this one looks like a roller skate with that GM body kit." Admittedly, at idle, the Fastlane car doesn't sound like much. In fact, thanks to what is under the hood, it was probably the quietest 2010 on the grounds. As the light turned green, with a calm, somewhat boring launch, it took off. For the first 200 feet, my bench racer friends remained unimpressed. "You can't go fast on a 20-inch wheel," they said. "You can't run with a fourth-gen in one of those, not with the IRS," one of them murmured. But then, about 300 feet out, everyone got quiet. Right as Nick Field of Fastlane really started applying power, the 2010 began accelerating at warp speed. Out the back door, it ran a 10.86 at 127 mph. The crowd went wild and my newly humbled friends got very quiet.
Source - http://www.superchevy.com/features/1004gmhtp-fastlanes-2010-chevy-camaro-ss/
1 comment
I know this is seven years old but I am wondering what are the chances of one of these kits being available.